The younger daughter of King Simion (19– - 95) and Queen Arina (19– -95), Eulalia Miria Affean was born in the Kalokaíri Palace in Kolona, Naranthia. Life as the spare was without struggle; her sister, eight years her senior, took up the majority of her parent’s time, leaving Eulalia free to do as she pleased, though she still attended lessons to assist her in future endeavors.
As a child, Eulalia often helped the gardeners with the plants, read in every location possible, and attempted daring bedsheet-rope escapes out her window. Upon turning 13, her elder sister began to take Eulalia with her on her nighttime excursions. The young princess was taught basic glamour spells so she could go into town and see the life of common folk. She continued to join her until 1992, the summer she turned 17. In fear of the Affean Aíma, Eulalia's sister was banished from Naranthia, hoping it would buy more time for their parents to live.
Two years after her sister’s banishment, she finds the dead and marred bodies of her parents. In a whirlwind of events, she is wed to Adelio, crowned queen, and comes across a newborn infant, Rowan (b. 1995), whom she takes into her family whole-heartedly. Nearly two years after her crowning, she nearly died from complications during the birth of her son, Knox (b. 1996).
As Queen, she avoids the bitterness and tight control that defined her father and grandfather’s rules; likewise, she is slow to anger and avoids conflict when possible. Her actions center entirely around the betterment of the people and sustaining livelihoods. Eulalia seeks to end the useless fighting between Naranthia and the Dappled Forest, but has been unable to meet with Queen Chrysanthemum due to her erratic behavior. She has been in correspondence with a fae with the pen name ‘Rionah’ for many years.