18말달4328 - 30쥐달4352
Pronouns: she/her
As the first child of Moon Seong-jin (文 盛眞) and Moon Seo-yoon (文 瑞潤), Moon Seong-min (文 瑞潤) was raiseed to be the future queen of Elysium. She attended the Daebyeol-wang Girls' School. There, she excelled in history, and public and international relations. During this time, she was introduced to a seamstress who was training to be one of her attendants, named Hwanghon Soju (燒酒 黃昏)
Seong-min and Soju became close quickly, and the young seamstress was promoted to be the Crown Princess' sukyu, with Seong-min intending to promote Soju to be her sanggung when she became Queen. However, while returning from a family trip to the Anpu Lakes in the southern part of Elysium, the Moon's carriage crashed into another oncoming driver, killing Seong-jin and gravely injuring both Seong-min and her younger brother, Moon Woo-yeong (文 宇靈). Though doctors tried very hard to save her, Seong-min died two days later. She was 24-years-old.