The Flag
The Royal Seal
Regent: Empress Regent Iseul of Elysium
Ruler: Crown Prince Woo-yeong of Elysium
Capital: 별자리 (Byeoljari)
Official Languages: 얼에쓴 (Elysian), Common
Currency: 불꽃 (Bulkkot)
Elysium (엘리시움) is an empire located in a large cavern system under modern-day Naranthia and the Dappled Forest. While it is surrounded by several smaller kingdoms, its government is the main ruling party in that system, with very few connected regions. The population is 100% Unseelie fae, who are uniquely suited for life underground.
The empire of Elysium was founded by Moon Seong-jae (문성재; Hanja unknown) in the year 0 of the Unseelie lunar calendar (2333 BCE). At the time, the country was quite small, only spanning the land between Byeoljari and Kabigat Caverns. According to historic accounts, Moon Seong-jae was the great-great-grandson of the leader of the early fae, who came to the Underdark to escape a horrific war. Until the establishment of Elysium, it is believed that the Unseelie lived in disjointed clans with no central governments.
In 4290, Emperor Seong-su (文 瑞數) declared war on the only remaining kingdom in the Underdark, Aliyata (அழியாத), to the northwest, as well as Puleundal (푸른달), which was already surrounded on all sides by Elysian territory. While they were able to quickly take many territories from the latter kingdom, there is currenly a stalemate on the Aliyatan-Elysian border.
Like in many Seelie countries, religion and the government are heavily intertwined. The official state religion of Elysium is Darui Saenggi (달의 생기), though there are many other religions practiced within the empire. The main temple in Nirvana, Choseungdal Temple, is traditionally headed by the eldest male member of the Myung family, who according to tradition are descended from the New Mother Moon, who is reborn on the first day of every lunar month. To become the leader of the religion, called Tagwolhan Seongjikja (탁월한 성직자), one must possess the ability to see wolgwang (월광), which are conceptually similar to the idea of auras in Seelie culture. Because this ability is isolated to the Myung lineage, it is not required for prospective monks or nuns to have this ability. The current head of Tagwolhan Seongjikja is Myung Chan-young.
The government of Elysium is split into several groups, each with different roles and responsibilities. The three bodies of the central government are the State Council (의정부), the Six Ministries (육조), and the Three Offices (삼사). Besides these, there are several other offices: The Royal Secretariat (승정원), who serve as a liason between the emperor and the Six Ministries; The Capital Bureau (한성부), who concern themselves with affairs of the capitol, Byeoljair; The Royal Investigation Bureau (의금부), who enforce law amongst the Imperial Family and government officers, investigating and prosecuting treason; And the Office of Records (춘추관), who record and preserve meeting notes and other material related to the running of the government.
All members of each branch of the government, as well the members of the Imperial Family, are all a part of a complicated ranking system, which affects the ways in which they talk about and interact with each other. The ranking system is split based on which position is being talked about—the men of the Imperial Family, the women of the Imperial Family, the royal court, and government officials each have their own internal ranking systems.
The State Council of Elysium is the highest section of the government, answering only to the Emperor. Their main roles concern deliberation over state issues, advising the ruler, and conveying decisions made by the ruler to the Six Ministries. the three main members are the state councilors:
After the three councilers are seven lower-ranking officials who assist them:
The Six Ministries of Elysium are considered to be the executive branch of the government. Each ministry is headed by a a minister, or Panseo (판서, 2nd Senior), assisted by a Champan (참판, 2nd Junior). The ministries, in order of seniority, are:
The Ministry of Defence has a sub-office called the Office of Police Bureau (포도청), which deals with preserving public order.
The Three Offices of Elysium are headed by officials of varying rank, based on their role within the government. The three offices, in order of seniority, are:
The Sungkyunkwan (성균관; Common: Royal Academy) has one purpose within the Elysian government—to train and prepare young men to serve in the government. To attend, one must pass the first two stages of the gwageo (과거), or the national civil service exams.