One of the most dominant species in Tir na nOg, the elves share a distant ancestor with the fae, resulting in overlaps in biological traits. Elves have a weaker grasp of magick than any fae, but a stronger grasp on it than humans. Unlike humans, elves can also tap into natural magick, which is called different things based on country and region.
Naranthian: የደም ስር (Yedem Sr)
Thalassian: Αμνιακό Υγρό (Amniakó Igró)
La Costa di Melograno
Melogranian: Sangue di Vita
Motukohanian: Iho
Because of their genetic proximity to the fae, elves also have vestigial magick organs, called kokäb (ኮከብ) in Naranthia, and incantesimo in La Costa (Common:invidia venustas). These organs are not attached to an external appendage, and are smaller than those of Seelie or Unseelie fae. These combined features result in weaker magick than in elves. There is also higher variability in the strength of magick in elves, and ability to use natural magick. The size and strength of a vestigial invidia venustas has also been shown to influence the effectiveness of magick, with those with weaker invidia venustas being less susceptible to spells and enchantments cast on them.
The size and strength of the vestigial invidia venustas is not genetic, but seems to be entirely random. Two elves with very small, weak magick organs could have a child with strong magick, or no magick at all. It is unknown what causes this variability. However, there is some evidence that environment has some effect on the size of the organ. Those living in the western part of Naranthia have, on average, larger invidia venustas and a stronger grasp on natural magick than those living in the eastern part. In La Costa, the southern part of the country has more instances of strong magick users than in other parts of the country.
Like with the fae, there is a much wider range of hair colors seen in elves than in most other humanoid species. Variability in the size of their vestigial invidia venustas does not change the outward hair color of any one induvidual. Instead, elves' hair colors are determined entirely through genetics. These hair colors are created by a combination of melanins—mutated through exposure to magick (slightly different than the faes' adapted melanins)—as well as hormones and other processes within the body. Recorded hair colors include black, brown, red, purple, blonde, and blue, which fades to white or silver with age. Interestingly enough, the Affean family, who has ruled Naranthia for several centuries, are well-known for their green hair and green eyes, a combination not seen in other elven lineages. Skin colors are determined through a similar process, though these melanins are not that different from human melanins. Recorded elven skin colors are the same as the wide range seen in humans.
Compared to the Seelie fae, elves on average have longer, pointier ears. However, like their Seelie neighbors, ear shape and size does seem partially determined by location of origin, as well as the size and strength of the invidia venustas.
The two elven kingdoms, Naranthia and La Costa di Melograno, have very little overlapping culture, with the only notable similarity being the fact that they are both monarchies. Parts of the two countries share Ossocanti influences, though for different reasons. After La Costa overthrew the Ossocanti colonizers in 1418, the weakened country as absorbed into Naranthia through a political alliance in 1426.
The only region of Naranthia which still shares aspects of its culture with La Costa is called Thalassia. Located in the southwestern part of the country, it is well known for its cuisine, as well as its overwhelming poverty.
The religions of Naranthia and La Costa do share similar roots, as well as elements influenced by the Ossocanti religion. However, they are largely different. The Naranthians follow a polytheistic religion, with two major dieties, and a pantheon of minor dieties. The Affean family who rules Naranthia is believed to have descended from one of these dieties, the goddess Cosima.
In contrast, La Costa's official religion is monotheistic, with a myriad of saints which are prayed to for specific things, such as health or safety.
While magick abilities are known to be variable, many parents in both kingdoms will attempt to influence their children to have stronger magick, as that is sometimes seen as more desireable. There are many reasons for this, including maintaining the child's health, and attempting to influence them to become a sage in the country's religion. Methods for increasing exposure to magick vary, but primarily include having children spend lots of time with spellcasters, giving them special charms to wear, or taking them to areas known to have a higher concentration of magick users.